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Docman10 API Codes

Document Validation Error Codes

This is the list of possible error codes returned in the validation message when attempting to Get/post any data related to document API call.

DI_DOC01All – Invalid Guid or ODS
DI_DOC02Post – Invalid Document Model | Get – No permission to access requested document
DI_DOC03Post – Invalid Document Extension Model
DI_DOC04Post – Invalid Vault File Model
DI_DOC05Post – Document extension on exclusion List
DI_DOC06Post – File content length exceeded
DI_DOC07Post – ERS – Document with the same UBRN. VersionId already exists

Patient API Error Codes

This is the list of possible error codes returned in the validation message when attempting to Get/post any data related to Patient API calls .

Codes Description
DI_PAT01 Invalid ODS
DI_PAT02 Patient updater not supported
DI_PAT03 Invaid Patient model

Folder API Error Codes

This is the list of possible error codes returned in the validation message when attempting to Get/post any data related to Folder API call .

DI_FOL01Invalid ODS

Audit API Error Codes

This is the list of possible error codes returned in the validation message when attempting to Get/post any data related to Audit API call.


Codes Description
DI_AUD01 Invalid ODS


Codes Description
DI_AUD01Invalid ODS or Patient Id
DI_AUD02Patient not found

Audit / AuditDocumentCount

DI_AUD01Invalid ODS or Audit Type
DI_AUD02Unsupported Audit Type

Updated on September 16, 2021

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