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Inbound Document Specification


This article describes the Docman API Inbound Document Model and should be used with the “Post Document” method in either the Docman 10 or Docman Connect services in Docman API. The table below explains each field, data type, if the field is mandatory in either Docman 10 or Docman Connect it also has a small description .

The model should be built and formatted in a JSON string and included in the body of the “Post Document” method. The model is built up with numerous different objects. If the Data type in the inbound document model  is ” X Object” then “X Object” will be described further down the article.

Inbound Document Model


CaptureSourceEnumDocman 10: Yes


Docman Connect: Yes

The API capture source for Docman 10 is ‘100’


The API capture source for Docman Connect is ‘2’

SenderSender ObjectDocman 10: Yes


Docman Connect: Yes

Object which holds details of the Sender
RecipientOdsCodeStringDocman 10: Yes


Docman Connect: Yes

ODS Code of the recipient organisation


Max length 10

PatientPatient ObjectDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: Yes

Object which holds details of the patient
DocumentDocument ObjectDocman 10: Yes


Docman Connect: Yes

Object which holds the document details and content
ActionRequiredBooleanDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: No

Flag which denotes the Sender deems an action is required
MedicationChangedBooleanDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: No

Flag which denotes that the sender has changed the patient’s medication
UrgentBooleanDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: No

Flag which denotes the document is urgent
ClinicalCodesList – ClinicalCode ObjectDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: No

List of ClinicalCode objects which are to be sent into the clinical system
NotesStringDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: No

Notes from Sender


Max Length 255

RevisionBooleanDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: Not used

Flag to denote the Document is a revision – the Document.Guid property should hold the Document to be revised GUID

OverrideSpineCheckBoolean Docman 10: No  

Docman Connect: Yes
Value True overrides the Spine Check. False or excluding the line uses the Spine Check

Document Object

GuidGuidDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: Not Used

Document GUID, leave blank for new documents. For revisions enter GUID of document to be revised and enable Revision property.


Docman 10: Yes

Docman Connect: Yes

Document Description


Max length 255

EventDateDate/TimeDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: Yes

Date and Time of the related event.


Date must NOT be in the future

FolderStringDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: No

Folder description which will be mapped to DM10 folder Id using a case insensitive lookup if a mapping exists


Max length 50

FilingSectionFolderStringDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: No

Filing folder description which will be mapped to DM10 filing folder Id using a case insensitive lookup if a mapping exists


Max length 50

FileContentByte arrayDocman 10: Yes


Docman Connect: Yes

Physical file content as Bytes
FileExtensionStringDocman 10: Yes


Docman Connect: Yes

File extension of the Physical File – the full stop should be omitted but will be removed if present.


Max length 10

FileHashStringDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: No

SHA1 file has derived from the file content bytes


Max length 40

Optional and will be allocated if omitted

LocalHubIdIntegerDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: No

Id from Local Hub Document Table
ExternalSystemIdStringDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: No

System ID from sending system

Patient Object

IdentifierStringDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: No

Patients national identifier – used as part of patient lookup


Either NHS or CHI Number

Validated with MOD11

Max length 10

FamilyNameStringDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: Yes

Surname of patient – used as part of patient lookup


Max length 255

GivenNamesStringDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: Yes

Patient’s forenames – used as part of patient lookup


Max length 255

GenderEnum – ePatientGenderDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: Yes

Patient’s gender– used as part of patient lookup


Validated against the range of enum values if supplied – defaults to unknown

Valid Values:

0 – Unspecified

10 – Male

20 – Female

BirthDateDateDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: Yes

DOB of the patient – used as part of patient lookup


No future dates

Sender Object

OdsCodeStringDocman 10: Yes


Docman Connect: Yes

ODS code of sending organisation


Max length 10

OrganisationStringDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: Yes

Description of Organisation


Max length 255

DepartmentStringDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: Yes

Sending department name


Max length 255

PersonStringDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: Yes

Person clinically responsible for the document


Max length 255

GroupStringDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: No

Name of Sender Group to associate the document with in the Connect Console.
Group must already exist.


Max length 50

Clinical Code Object

SchemeEnum – eCodeSchemeDocman 10: Yes


Docman Connect: Yes

Type of coding system.  Read 2 or Snomed


Validated against the range of enum values
Read = 0
Snomed = 2

CodeStringDocman 10: Yes


Docman Connect: Yes

Clinical code – either Read code or Snomed Concept Id
DescriptionStringDocman 10: Yes


Docman Connect: Yes

Either Read Term or Snomed Description
DescriptionIdStringDocman 10: Yes


Docman Connect: Yes

Either Read TermId or Snomed Description Id
ValueStringDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: No

Associated clinical value


REQUIRED if ValueUnit set

ValueUnitStringDocman 10: No


Docman Connect: No

Associated clinical value unit of measure


REQUIRED if Value set

Updated on July 1, 2020

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