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  2. Personalise Docman
  3. Personalise your landing page

Personalise your landing page

The landing page is organised into three areas; Messages, My Apps and Links.  Some items can be managed by each user and others must be managed by the System Administrator for your organisation.


The first message board is available for you to edit locally to post messages for your organisation.  You can do this using the ‘edit’ action at the top of the message board.

The second message board is controlled centrally by Docman.  We’ll use this space to post messages about system maintenance or any planned downtime.

My Apps

This area is designed to contain quick links to the apps that you use regularly.   You can choose which apps are presented here by using the ‘edit’ action at the top of the apps area to mark the apps that you’d like to be shown on the landing page.  So, if you use some back office applications more than others, add them to your My Apps area so that they’re there when you login everyday!

The links shown on the landing page are managed by users that have the System Administrator role.  These users can configure these links through:

  • Settings > Organisation Settings > Web links

Links can be given a name and have a URL assigned.  Once configured, the links are shown for all users within the organisation.

Updated on May 8, 2017

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