Managing Tasks

Task Inbox

The task inbox is accessible from the tasks icon on the notification and navigation bar.

The tasks shown in the inbox are those that have been sent to you and any group that you are part of.  The inbox also includes any discussions that you are part of and any notifications e.g. deleted documents notifications if you are the privacy officer.

You can change the view that is presented when you select the tasks icon by setting a default view.  More information about how to do that is available later in this article.

Within the tasks screen the task list is shown on the left.  Each task is shown as a task card showing the the type of task, the document description, the patient information and the status, priority and due dates that have been set.

Any instruction text that has been added is shown once the task card has been selected.

Actions are shown on the right hand side of the screen.  This includes any quick steps, tasks and comments that have been configured in your system.  You can choose which of these are shown on the panel by marking them as a favourite.  To mark a quick step, task or comment as a favourite you need to select the ellipsis (…) to the right of the label.  Mark any items in the list using the star and they will appear in the action panel.  You can deselect items in the same way.


We’ve made some views available as standard from within tasks and they are:

  • My Discussions
  • My Notifications
  • My Recent Tasks

My recent tasks stores the last 20 tasks you have completed and the list is ordered by the date and time you completed the task with the most recent task shown at the top of the list.

Quick filter is available from the views panel.  The option to Search All Tasks may be available from this panel but this depends on user permissions.  Other views can be created and tailored according the tasks you want to see in there.  Take a look at this article for more information on how to create a view.  If you don’t have permissions to create a view speak to your system administrator who will be able to create one for you.

Setting a default view

By default the view shown when the task icon is selected is the Task Inbox.  If you’ve designed your own view and want to set that as your default you can do that by following the following steps:

  • Go to Settings
  • Choose My Profile from the settings menu
  • Choose Task Settings
  • In here set the view you’d like to see as your default making the selection from the ‘Default Task View’ drop down list on the screen

Updated on June 13, 2017

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