Edit filing details

If you make any mistakes in during filing you can modify details such as event date, description, organisation name or the folder the letter is stored in at a later date by following the guide below

First find the patient using the quick search function  

Once you have found the patient click on their name and find the document you would like to modify.  Then click on Filing details (circled below)

Once you have clicked on filing details, you will be able to modify the document accordingly

When changing any details, other than Folder, you must tick the box ‘Add document link to [Clinical System]’ (EMIS Web in this example) and add an appropriate Filing Readcode.

This will ensure that the updated details are reflected in the clinical record as well.

Once you are done making changes hit Save and you will have modified the documents filing details.

The warning prompt will also tell you to check the clinical system to remove the incorrect linked document. This will need to be done also to remove any opportunity for confusion.

This article has been created by Mahbub Hussain (Training and Implementation Consultant)

Updated on September 11, 2019

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