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  3. Highlighting as standard on opening document.
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  3. Highlighting as standard on opening document.

Highlighting as standard on opening document.

As a clinician, when you highlight a lot of documents in the day, to make your life easier set your settings to auto annotate when you hover the mouse over the document.

Go to Settings – My profile – Task Settings

Tick ‘Auto Annotate on Document Hover’.

A drop down menu will appear, choose your highlight colour.*

Then scroll to the bottom and click Update.

This now selects Annotate as the default option in your task screen.

*If your highlight colour isn’t there you’ll need to ask your Docman system Administrator to create it for you.

They can do this as follows:

In Settings, to go Filing, then Annotations.

Click Create at the bottom. This brings up the screen to create a highlight. Click Create at the bottom to enable users to select it in their drop down menu.

This article has been created by Jantien Kwekkeboom (Training and Implementation Consultant)

Updated on September 11, 2019

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