Would you like to see the oldest documents at the top of your screens, hide the folders column, or find inactive/deceased patients? Yes? Then read on…
Accessing your User Profile Settings
Before you can change any of your Profile settings for the different screens in Docman 10 you must first navigate to the Settings screen.
Click on the ‘Settings’ button at the top of the Screen
On the left hand side of the screen click on the
“My Profile” option.
You can now select which settings you wish to customise.
(See below for details of each setting.)
Filing Settings This affects the screen/s seen when ‘Filing Documents’
Note: Clinicians will not need to change these settings because they normally do not have access to the ‘Filing’ Screen.
Click on the
“Filing Settings” Option.
‘Document Sort Order’ – Here you can choose to Sort your documents by ‘Oldest First’ (at the top), or ‘Newest First’. The default setting is ‘Newest First’.
Leave the “Default Filling Section” set to “Patients”
If you DO NOT wish to see the ‘Folder List’ column displayed by default, then remove the ‘Tick’ from the box, otherwise leave it ‘Ticked’.
Click on the ‘Update’ button to save your changes.
Note: ‘Hiding’ the ‘Folder list’ gives more screen space for the ‘Document’ – This may be useful if you have a small screen. The ‘Folder List’ may also be ‘Displayed’ or ‘Hidden’ manually when viewing documents.
Tasks Settings This affects the screen/s seen when ‘Viewing Tasks’
Click on the “Tasks Settings” Option.
Here we take a look at the most common options in the ‘User Task Settings’
The ‘Default Task View’ set to ‘Inbox’ – changing this may cause you to miss ‘Tasks’ that have been sent to you.
Inbox Sort Order – Here you can choose to Sort your ‘Tasks’ by ‘Oldest First’ (at the top), or ‘Newest First’. The default is Newest First.
Some ‘Tasks’ in your ‘Inbox’ may have a blue button labelled ‘Has Comments’ – Clicking on this button will display the ’Comments’ for the ‘Task’.
Alternatively – ‘Ticking’ the ‘Auto Expand Comments in Task List’ option will display any ‘Comments’ automatically when the ‘Task’ is selected.
Click on the ‘Update’ button to save your changes.
Document Viewer Settings This affects the screen/s seen when ‘Viewing Patients Documents’
Click on the “Document Viewer Settings” Option.
When ‘Ticked’ the ‘Hide Inactive Folders’ option will only display the ‘Folders’ that have ‘Documents’ for the currently selected ‘Patient’.
‘Ticking’ the ‘Pin Folder List Open’ option displays the list of ‘Document Folders’ for the currently selected ‘Patient’, when viewing patient documents.
You may adjust the default zoom level by changing the option in the ‘Document Zoom Mode’.
Enabling the ‘Display Document Download Message’ will result in a reminder not to save documents to an unsecure location when downloading documents.
Click on the ‘Update’ button to save your changes.
Note: ‘Hiding’ the ‘Folder list’ gives more screen space for the ‘Document’ – This may be useful if you have a small screen. The ‘Folder List’ may also be ‘Displayed’ or ‘Hidden’ manually when viewing documents. By clicking on the ‘<’ or ‘>’ chevron at the top left of the ‘Document List’ column (second column) when on the ‘Filing’ screen.
This article has been created by David Chiesa (Training and Implementation Consultant)